Creative and structured classes
Industry professional staff
Exams in RAD, ISTD & LAMDA, gaining UCAS points for secondary schools & universities
Professional performances
Winners of performing arts festivals
100% pass with Distinction & Merit grades in all performing arts exams
Own agency where students have opportunities to audition for professional stage & screen work
Professional venues & studios
Our classes run on a monthly subscription basis, with fees spread evenly across the year to keep costs lower. Payments are taken in advance on the 20th of each month, covering the following month’s classes. This means you’ll be billed even in months with no classes, as the total yearly cost is divided into equal payments for simplicity and affordability.
Simplified Budgeting: Monthly subscriptions spread the cost evenly across the year, making it easier for parents to budget and avoid large termly or annual payments.
Consistent Payment Schedule: Payments are automatically debited on the same date each month, reducing the risk of missed payments or late fees.
Access to Year-Round Classes: A subscription ensures continuity, securing a child's place in classes throughout the academic year without the need for re-enrollment each term.
Flexibility in Payment Plans: By breaking costs into smaller monthly installments, parents can manage fees more affordably compared to one-time term fees.
Transparent Pricing Structure: Pro-rata adjustments and clear monthly costs allow parents to easily track and plan for expenses without unexpected fees.
The class teacher will assess when your child is ready to take any ISTD dance or LAMDA drama exams and discuss with you. The minimum age for dance exams is 6 years and drama exams 4 years. Your child will need to attend classes regularly to be selected for exams. There will be additional costs for exams.
Exams are not compulsory and students can still move up classes and grades.
Yes there is a one off £25.00 registration fee for each student when they enrol. This is only paid once, unless you leave Select for over a year and then rejoin.
Our professional show takes place every 18 months. Every class will perform a piece in the show.
Every term, Autumn, Spring and Summer Term, families are invited to watch their child’s class.
Children who excel in any class can be entered dance and drama festivals.
Should you wish to cancel your child’s class/ classes you are required to give one month’s notice via email along with an additional month’s payment. For example, if notice is given in January, February will be charged and payments will be stopped in March.
Yes. For all classes there is set uniform students need, you will be sent the uniform form during registration process.